It's late in the format, and we've been through a lot of Dragons of Tarkir, so we felt it was time to try something a little kookie. Alas, best laid plans often do not work out, and what started as a kookie draft quickly turned into something else. Did we make the right decisions? You be the judge.
So it should be pretty clear that we abandoned our stipulation when the second dragon came along, but to be fair, that wasn't until the middle of pack three. It wouldn't have been much of a dragon deck with only two dragons.
What we ended up with was basically a draft that went off the rails. It should be a testament to the strength of red/black in this set that we still managed to go 2-1. Besides the fact that we first picked a situational dud, there just wasn't really much in the first pack. If we'd been drafting normally, we probably could have had a fairly decent blue/black deck (watch the draft to see what I mean), but we weren't giving up on much.
The games were short and entertaining, but not particularly notable.
Truth be told, the format is just getting stale for us, and we'll likely be doing more Modern Masters for the next few weeks. We may even head back to Theros for a quick visit. If any of you out there have any suggestions, feel free to comment. Shoot us a tweet or post on Facebook, and we'd love to try something kookie. In the mean time, we'll keep plugging on.
Thanks for watching,
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