Saturday, 13 June 2015

Draft #49 "Messing With Modern" - June 12, 2015

Hey Everyone,

We're back to the drafting table after an unscheduled hiatus, and ready to try our hand at the latest supplementary product, Modern Masters 2015. Let's see how we did!

Since we couldn't make it to GP Vegas, we decided we at least wanted to draft Modern Masters 2015 once before it left MTGO. I honestly would have preferred to show you the sealed deck that we made while preparing for this draft, as it was a much better deck, but the one we put together here wasn't bad. Our curve was good, and we had lots of options for sideboarding. Running Elesh Norn was probably a mistake, and we knew that at the time. If I'd gotten to first pick Elesh Norn, I would have gone white/green, and tried to pick up as many token producers as I could. In our deck, she was basically flood insurance.

In the first game we didn't really know what we were doing, especially when we kept a bad hand. Five land and no action with our deck was bad, and we should have know it. Besides that, I think the deck would have mulliganed fairly well, so we should have given the deck another chance.

Game two really looked like we were in better shape, until we ran into a bunch of removal. I'd also like to say something about our opponent's deck. I hadn't thought about the synergy between Graft and Proliferate, but in hindsight, it looked like a potent combo. I'd like to try Sultai in this format if I get the chance.

In the other round we actually got to play, we were up against the Spirit deck, and that could have been a lot more trouble than it actually ended up. It was nice to see Elesh Norn make an appearance to win us the final game, but ultimately, this wasn't the deck for her, and we should have known that.

While one round was a bye, this was still technically a 2-1, which means we got our entry fee back, so there may be another one of these in the future. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Thanks for Watching,


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