Friday, 20 February 2015

"Students of Ojutai" - February 20, 2015

Happy Friday! It's Draft day here at Card Advantage MTG, and we have one of Tams' favourite archetypes today. Check it out, and tell us what you think in the comments!

Blue White Skies is almost always a deck which you CAN put together in Draft, whether you should or not depends on what the rest of the set looks like. Since Jeskai is already a perfectly acceptable colour combination in FKK, the blue white fliers deck is here to be crafted, and that's exactly what we did.

Despite Flying being an evergreen mechanic, it amazes me how often people leave their decks with no real way to deal with flyers. Much like with an aggressive deck, if you come up against someone who's left themselves open, you can get a few free wins by just having evasion.

Of course, most games are still not easy. Any decent removal will take out a flyer, and decks usually do have one or two of their own, or something with reach. In Khans of Tarkir especially, there are quite a few things which can stop the small flyers.

Of course, our whole deck wasn't flyers either. We also ended up with a few prowess creatures, and a Hordechief for value. All in all it was a fine deck, if not our best. I'd have preferred not to run the War Behemoth, or the third Student.

All and all, 2-1 was the appropriate record for that deck. Join us next week, when we can hopefully go all the way.

Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time,


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