Monday, 29 September 2014

"Preparation: RavniKhans" - September 29, 2014

We just can't wait until Khans of Tarkir comes out on MTGO, but I've only been able to draft it in paper once, plus the pre-release sealed, and Tams hasn't done it at all. How to build a viable deck with a solid mana base is going to be the question for the next three months, so to prepare ourselves for a new multicoloured set, we decided to do one last sealed pool of the last one before it cycled.

I believe we did succeed in building the correct deck, right up to our 18th land. There were a couple of serious misplays which I'm only going to touch on, as the mechanics of RTR aren't going to be relevant going forward.

The bloodrush mechanic is one which both Tams and I have used numerous times, but never in a limited environment. We never really drafted RTR, and only used the cards for constructed deckbuilding. Bloodrush cards slotted right into our aggro decks, and so we never even considered using it defensively. 

If you're familiar with this mechanic (or if you watched our match), you will know that Bloodrush targets only "attacking" creatures, which after reading the cards  hundreds of times, we completely missed because it never came up.

The other thing I want to mention is the land. Coming into another multicolour set, I want to stress the fact that you should really consider running 18 land in your deck. Even though we lost at least one game to flooding, I still feel it was the right choice. We would have lost even more games if we'd been missing one of our colours.

I think that's all for now. Come back on Friday evening when we post our very first Khans of Tarkir draft.

Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time,


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