The hype is high for Khans of Tarkir, and in preparation for another multicolour set, we say farewell to the last multicolour set. What better way to say goodbye to a block than to rare draft it!
We ended up with nine rares and a mythic, and even though we only ended up playing half of them, I thought the deck looked pretty good.
From a play perspective, this was another example of why we shouldn't draft late at night. It was only nine thirty when we entered the queue, but as RTR block is on the way out, sometimes the drafts don't fire. It was 11:30 before we actually started drafting, and midnight before we began playing.
Something Marshall Sutcliffe has brought to Magic is his attitude toward Poker. He's said that if you're going to play like a professional, that means always giving your best. If you're tired, or under the weather, or just not feeling your best, then don't play.
Round one went fine, but we made some pretty clear mistakes in round 2. I'm still not sure we could have won the round, but not swinging in until we had enough to deal lethal damage would have been a much better choice than sacrificing our board to Teysa.
All in all, I had fun and I feel that was a satisfactory farewell to Ravnica, although there might just be a Monday surprise coming up.
Thanks for watching and we'll see you next time,
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