Hey everybody,
Tams and I have decided that there just isn't enough Card Advantage in the average week. In order to bring you more regular content, we've got some things in the works, the first of which is about to hit you in the eyes!
When we come home from FNM, pockets brimming with fresh boosters, we generally do a pack war, and we've decided to share this experience with all of you! Check out the hillarity below.
We've been meaning to start this series for a couple of weeks now, and since we have no intention of waiting while we run through our back log, I decided to not only make the first episode a double, we're also putting out our first pack war with Origins as well. Enjoy!
So that was our Pack Wars triple bill. We'll be putting out a new pack war every Tuesday. If you're interested in seeing a quirky take on Magic: the Gathering, please join us!
Thanks for watching,
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