Saturday, 4 April 2015

FNM Paper Draft Report - April 4, 2015

Hey guys, I figured with the online prerelease not going as planned, I should head to FNM last night and see about making a deck worth writing about. Luckily, I managed to make one of the decks I've been meaning to since spoiler season started. Behold, the Dash deck!

Okay, so it's not really the Dash deck. I only had three dash creatures in the deck.

When I first saw Warbringer, I wanted to know whether Dash was a viable deck in Limited. I'm pretty sure it could be. I had to settle for getting a glimpse when my draws managed to work out.The problem, as I'm sure other, wiser drafters have already pointed out, is getting enough Dash creatures which you'd actually want to play.

In my case, I decided to play every two and three drop I could find, and I managed to find some pretty good ones. With a total of five warriors, including a Blood-Chin Rager, my attacks were difficult to block, especially as I had seven good removal spells to smooth the way. 

At the top of my curve I had one of the uncommon Dragons. It was well placed in my deck, as by the time I wanted to cast it I generally had at least one good creature in my bin. Once I brought back my Blood-Chin Rager from the graveyard and swung for lethal which my opponent couldn't block. That sort of versatility is strong.

All said and done, I finished second with a record of 3-1, and I very much look forward to trying this sort of deck again if the draft allows.

Thanks for Reading,


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