Saturday, 10 January 2015

"Khans Rare Draft" - January 10, 2015

It's that time again, it's draft time! This time we play all the rares!

One of the only stipulation drafts that Tams and I do on a regular basis (or about once per set) is the rare draft. We do this for several reasons.

First, it's a whole lot of fun. A lot of the rares are extremely powerful, and even those which aren't usually force you to think in ways which you don't usually get a chance to in limited magic.

Second, it warps what you would usually take to support the deck. As opposed to just "drafting good cards", you have to take mana fixing highly, and perhaps draft other cards to accommodate the rares,

Third, we think it's fun to watch other people draft rares, so we consider it something of a treat to you, dear viewers, to watch us fumble around with strange cards and an awkward mana base.

Drafting rares isn't just something cooky to do for fun. We believe it can also make you a better magic player. Once you have the process of drafting down so that you're winning at a decent rate, the mental exercise of trying to think outside the box and support a deck with a stipulation weighing it down can help build new mental muscles.

I'd also like to note that Khans of Tarkir has so much good fixing that we may do something like this again before the end of the set, and we may do it again for Fate Reforged. If you'd like to see any specific stipulation draft, please let us know! We're always available on Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter!

Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time,


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