Alright folks,
It's time for me to talk about a night of magic which was genuinely awesome! Last week's FNM was delightful. On top of drafting a reasonable deck, which we'll get to in a moment, I actually got to play some games of Magic! Aether Revolt has been called a fast format, so I decided to give that a go. Let's start in pack one.
So as you can see, my first pick was a hopeful bid to play Pokemon instead of Magic, but as that didn't come together, I didn't feel bad at all about taking a Daring Demolition second, and seeing what was open. That was the last decent black card I saw in that pack though. More on that later.
Third pick Chandra's Revolution, Fourth pick Aether Chaser, then a Dawnfeather Eagle. All good cards, but nothing terribly exciting. The rest of this pack I spent mostly durdling around trying to find my legs. Honestly, the whole pack was fairly weak. Onto pack two.
Pack two started off with a quandry. I opened a Battle at the Bridge. I thought about taking it and trying to scoop up the black that should have been flowing, since it had been cut so hard in pack one, but alas, I decided on the safer Hungry Flames instead. Caught in the brights, double Welder Automaton, Invigorated Rampage, and another Caught in the Brights soon had me happily running in the agressive direction. A pair of Ospreys made the cut as well, and a Decommission for the sideboard. I was very happy with this pack, but I was even happier when I opened pack three.

Boom! Aetherstorm Roc! I am rewarded for picking up all that sweet white. Also, I decided to take, and play, the Aethertorch Renegade, because I wanted to try it. I managed to pick up a couple of white playables, and a Welding Sparks to round out my removal. I also had to reread Trusty Companion, because I don't think I've ever seen one in a pack before. It actually seemed pretty good in an aggro deck, so I snapped it up.
Here's the deck.
It was a constant question as to whether I should be running the Cultivator's Caravan, but as it was consistently either getting in on turn four, or allowing me to play two spells on turn four, I have come to respect it.
Round one I played against my good friend Garrett, who somehow also drafted a red white (and green) deck. I think my deck was a little better, but not so much that his draws couldn't get him the win. He won in three, and the one game I won was on the back of Aetherstorm Roc. It's a very good card.
Round two I got to play my girl Tams again! She was also also playing red white, though she was splashing blue for a Spire Patrol and a Renegade Thopterist, oh, and a Watchful Automaton. Apparently there was a lot of red and white going around the table.
I don't really remember the games that well, as it was a week ago, and I need to take better notes, but I won that match in three, if I recall, on the back of one of my Welder Automatons. The third game was a race, I know, and she would have won it if I hadn't topdecked the Dawnfeather eagle right after she swung in with all.
Round three was against someone new! I hadn't played against him before, and I always love meeting new people when they come to the shop. He was in blue green fliers, and I remember he had an Aethertide Whale at his top end. The reason I remember this is that he blocked with it and bounced it to his hand several turns in a row on the one game he won. The real highlight for me was in our last game, when I had just enough damage on board to get him under six, and enough energy to use the Aethertorch Renegade to finish him off.
This little aggro deck went 2-1, and I ended up third, which was perfectly serviceable, considering. Join me next week to see what this week's draft had in store, and please come back on Tuesday to check out this week in our Aether Revolt league!
Thanks for reading,